30th April 2004: Stephenville
Our engineers got up early to trouble-shoot the cause of the technical problem which we had with the extension of the landing gear. A defective seal within the hydraulic actuator was found and then replaced. Tomorrow, a ground test of the gear extension will be performed.
Our members and invitees benefited from a visit to this magnificent island. It is now the start of the whale season and of the lobster fishing. The hospitality of the people of is without limits. The employees of Stephenville airport are extremely kind and help us immediately. We are an important part of the news for their local television and journalists.
In order to benefit from the window of opportunity with the weather, we must takeoff on Sunday, May 2nd. We do not think at this stage that we can land in due to the weather forecast there. It is also possible that we may not land at either. Instead, we envisage going to direct (a 10 hours flight). The weather will be very good at the outset then a very cold North or North-East wind will bring a risk of icing North of the 55 degrees latitude. As our aircraft is not de-iced, we must stay outside these areas by flying as far South as possible where the temperatures will be more suitable. We are aware that many people following our progress will be disappointed. However, we absolutely must guarantee our arrival in on the 8th May at local time for the official reception to welcome the aircraft’s arrival. Once this « weather window » closes, we will be stuck here several days. The decision about our destination will be taken tomorrow and announced on the site on Sunday morning.
More and more of you are reading our news or are leaving messages in the guest book. This makes us very happy and we thank you very much for your support.
With our best wishes,
Text :Patrick Danalet
Translation : Simmins